
therapy team coordinator

Anita joined the Blue Cord family in Feb 2023 to train her Goldendoodle Henley as a Therapy Dog. Anita had observed the positive impacts of animal-assisted intervention while helping to care for her mother who was suffering with severe Dementia. After her mom passed, she decided to find and train a dog to become a therapy dog to help bring calm, joy and comfort to others.

As a Volunteer Therapy Canine Team, Anita and Henley serve as Pet Support Hospice Volunteers. They also make visits to the EMS and 911 call center, nursing homes, rehab centers, retirement centers, memory care facilities and recovery meetings. 

A life long learner, she continues to expand her skills by working with the Blue Cord Family and taking the Blue Cord Online K9 Education Course. Her goal now is to help build our therapy dog team and increase awareness of the positive mental and physical effects of animal assisted interventions.